Nursing And Care Home Service

Nursing And Care Home Service

We provide a wide range of services to care homes to enable them to care for their residents in the best possible way. we work with care homes to improve medicine safety and reduce the harm caused by inappropriate use of medicines.
to assist medication administrators with the administration of medicines in care homes, we provide original packaged medications, along with a medication administration record (mar) chart. a 24-hour, 7 days a week delivery and advice service is offered free of charge. we also offer training in medication in social care settings, accredited by the royal pharmaceuticals society. ryan?s pharmacy pharmacist and staff have years of experience in providing a quality medication services to care homes. for sign up or further information on our services to care homes, please contact us on 01422 253510. our patient quality healthcare consultant will assist with your enquiries.
if you run a care home and want to learn more about our care home service. please call us or complete the contact us form.